Turn your regular desk into a standing desk, with this inexpensive and stylish rising converter. Better for your health and wallet!
Use your tablet for hours on end, without any discomfort, with this amazing flexible tablet stand. Super flexible, and clamps to many different surfaces!
Take a trip down memory lane with this artistic collection of hundreds of the best album covers from the 60s to the 90s.
Bring the power and awe of outer space to a bedroom, with this adjustable and adorable 3D moon lamp.
Save money and keep yourself warm with this mini desktop personal space heater. Low wattage and safety features built-in!
This plastic razor blade scraper kit is safer for both you and what you are working on. Remove debris and residue from delicate surfaces without damaging.
Even when your job requires that you sit at a desk all day long, you can still get daily exercise with this under-desk elliptical.
This portable LED lamp is powered completely by gravity; no batteries, plugs, or solar panels required!
This set of decorative tea light candles looks exactly like mini cactus, and is the perfect balance between cute and functional.
Stop throwing away spoiled vegetables and fruit; FreshPaper sheets keep produce fresh for up to 2-4x as long, without chemicals. Save money and reduce waste!
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