If you spend a lot of time sitting in one place, maybe at your work desk or table, paying to heat up your whole house or apartment can be a large waste money and time. A small desk heater would be a faster, cheaper, safer, and more efficient way to keep you warm, by heating your immediate area up, instead of the large overall space.
Out of all the mini heaters you can find, Brightown Mini Desktop Space Heater is a great pick; it features 250 watts of power, multiple safety features, and small profile. And all at under $20.
Great for the Office:
Many offices have a policy prohibiting the use of full-sized heaters, due to the increased fire-risk and power usage, but this heater is safe, uses minimal power, and is discrete. Great for keeping on your desk, to warm your face and hands, or under your desk, for your legs and feet.
Brightown Mini Desk Heater Features:
- Multiple Safety Features: Overheat protection, ETL, and auto-off tilt sensor (the top-selling competitor does *not* have this feature!)
- Low Wattage: Powered with 250 watts, which I feel is the perfect balance between power-saver and adequate heating power
- The low wattage will save you money on your energy bill, and is safer in terms of fire hazards.
- Small Profile: Fit easily on any desk or workspace
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