This is, honestly, one of my most used and under-valued cleaning products that I keep around. This kit of two easy-to-grip blade holders and 100 (!) double-edged plastic razor blades will last you a very long time, and is worth every penny.
I love using plastic razor blades for several very important reasons:
- Safe forĀ both myself and surfaces
- With regular razor blades, you always have to be careful and use some critical thinking. “Is this going to damage what I’m working on? Will it leave scratches? Should I wear safety gloves? Am I cutting in a safe direction?” With these, I can just grab and go; there is essentially no risk I will accidentally hurt myself or what I am working on
- Safe on almost any surface; I’ve used it on glass stovetops, granite, metal, plastic, ceramic, you name it
- I feel comfortable using more pressure
- When using metal blades, it can be hard to get the right balance of pressure; it is dangerous to apply to much, and it might damage what you are working on.
- With these, I can apply as much pressure as I want, and the blade will actually curve a little, which helps when trying to work with curved surfaces, like a bath tub
- Inexpensive
- The price per plastic blade is so low, you don’t have to worry about wearing them down too quickly. That being said, this pack of 100 blades is going to last you a very long time!
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